Open Monday - Friday (except public holidays) 8.30am to 5.00pm, closed between 12pm-1pm

St John's Medical Centre

Book your Mole Map at St Johns Medical Centre

SJMC now offer mole maps in Whanganui.

Why are skin checks so important?

Over time, your moles may change. Skin checks help you and your doctor get to know your moles to help identify any suspicious changes as quickly as possible - if you can spot it, you can stop it!

Who should get their skin checked?

Everyone! People from all backgrounds and skin types will benefit from a skin check.

You might be recommended for routine checks if you have:

  • Fair skin, red hair or light eye colour
  • Any moles (more than 50)
  • A personal history of skin cancer
  • A family history of skin cancer
  • Taken immunosuppressive medication
  • An immunosupressive condition
  • Two or more moles with irregular shape and greater than 6mm
  • Extensive sun damage to your skin
  • Used sunbeds
Mole Maps at St John's Medical Centre, 345 Wicksteed Street, Whanganui
Phone us on 06 348 7775 to book your Mole Map with us
Call now

How to prepare

  • Clean your skin (No makeup or nail polish)
  • Moisturise your skin the day before
  • Bring any previous skin documentation (Pathology results, checkups)
  • Tie your hair back (if applicable)
  • Remove jewellery
Prepare yourself for a Mole Map at SJMC in Whanganui

What to Expect

Once you arrive and have been checked in, we will examine your skin and ask basic questions about your medical history along with any factors that could increase your risk for developing skin cancer. We may then examine your spots with a dermoscope - a magnifier that lets them see your mole’s unique features. With this information, we will take the appropriate measures to refer or manage your case.

What’s Next?

We will take a moment to discuss the best course of action for your skin health. Depending on your case, this might look like:

  • No further action needed at this time
  • Scheduling follow up visits to image and monitor the mole
  • A biopsy of the mole (a sample taken to examine it in further detail)
  • An excision (the removal of the mole)

Look out for the Ugly Duckling

An ugly duckling is a mole that stands out from the rest. Perhaps it’s in an area with no other moles or looks drastically different from the others. When in doubt, ask your care provider.

Watch out for the ugly duckling mole that stands out on your skin

ABCDEs of Melanoma

If your mole has one or more of these features it’s time to see a doctor.

For more in formation on Malanoma Definitions click here

For more in formation on The Ugly Duckling click here

ABCDEs of melanoma
Mole Maps at St John's Medical Centre, 345 Wicksteed Street, Whanganui
Phone us on 06 348 7775 to book your Mole Map with us
Call now